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- ;## misc.lsp -- a collection of useful support functions
- ; enable or disable breaks
- (defun bkon () (setq *breakenable* T))
- (defun bkoff () (setq *breakenable* NIL))
- (bkon)
- ;; (grindef 'name) - pretty print a function
- ;;
- (defun grindef (e) (pprint (get-lambda-expression (symbol-function e))))
- ;; (incf <place>), (decf <place>) - add/sub 1 to/from variable
- ;;
- (defmacro incf (symbol) `(setf ,symbol (1+ ,symbol)))
- (defmacro decf (symbol) `(setf ,symbol (1- ,symbol)))
- ;; (push val <place>) - cons val to list
- ;;
- (defmacro push (val lis) `(setf ,lis (cons ,val ,lis)))
- (defmacro pop (lis) `(setf ,lis (cdr ,lis)))
- ;; include this to use RBD's XLISP profiling hooks
- ;;(load "/afs/andrew/usr/rbd/lib/xlisp/profile.lsp")
- ;(cond ((boundp 'application-file-name)
- ; (load application-file-name)))
- (defun get-input-file-name ()
- (let (fname)
- (format t "Input file name: ")
- (setf fname (read-line))
- (cond ((equal fname "") (get-input-file-name))
- (t fname))))
- (defun open-output-file ()
- (let (fname)
- (format t "Output file name: ")
- (setf fname (read-line))
- (cond ((equal fname "") t)
- (t (open fname :direction :output)))))
- (defmacro while (cond &rest stmts)
- `(prog () loop (if ,cond () (return)) ,@stmts (go loop)))
- (defmacro when (test action)
- (list 'cond (list test action)))
- ; when parens/quotes don't match, try this
- ;
- (defun file-sexprs ()
- (let ((fin (open (get-input-file-name)))
- inp)
- (while (setf inp (read fin)) (print inp))))
- ;; get path for currently loading file (if any)
- ;;
- (defun current-path ()
- (let (fullpath n)
- (setf n -1)
- (cond (*loadingfiles*
- (setf fullpath (car *loadingfiles*))
- (dotimes (i (length fullpath))
- (cond ((equal (char fullpath i) *file-separator*)
- (setf n i))))
- (setf fullpath (subseq fullpath 0 (1+ n)))
- ;; if this is a Mac, use ':' in place of empty path
- (cond ((and (equal fullpath "")
- (equal *file-separator* #\:))
- (setf fullpath ":")))
- fullpath)
- (t nil))))
- ;; real-random -- pick a random real from a range
- ;;
- (defun real-random (from to)
- (cond ((= from to) from)
- (t
- (+ from
- (* (random 10000)
- 0.0001
- (- to from))))))
- ;; power -- raise a number to some power x^y
- ;;
- (defun power (x y)
- (exp (* (log (float x)) y)))